Complaints Policy

The Fuel and Energy Guy - Complaints Procedure
The Fuel and Energy Guy and their partners aim to offer the highest level of service.
If something goes wrong, and we recognise with the nature of energy supplies things can go wrong from time to time with suppliers. The Fuel and Energy Guy and their partners want to ensure it is resolved as quickly as possible.
Where a complaint is raised regarding a contract taken out through one of The Fuel and Energy Guy partners, The Fuel and Energy Guy will contact their partner as soon as possible and will advise you the process and provide a copy of the partners complaints procedure/process.
If in time The Fuel and Energy Guy can provide contracts as a registered ADR Scheme member, the Fuel and Energy Guy will provide their ADR registration number in this policy.
The Fuel and Energy Guy will follow the following procedure for handling any compliants received:

Complaints are to be emailed to

The Fuel and Energy Guy appreciates some compliants may be made in person or on the phone, The Fuel and Energy Guy will ask for an email address to confirm any compliant received.

Communication by The Fuel and Energy Guy in relation to complaints will be conducted via email with our clients, partners, or suppliers to provide a trail, information may also be recorded in partners/supplier’s portals and CRM systems.

All complaints will be handled with courtesy and respect and assistance provided to help resolves issues, concerns and problems raised with our partners or suppliers.

Our aim is to support you as our clients that any problems and issues are resolved as soon as possible, if a complaint is upheld by our partners/energy supplier’s complaints may be resolved through our partners or energy supplier issuing an apology, making a goodwill gesture or paying compensation.

We will confirm receipt within 2 working days, or where out of office is on due to annual holiday, within 2 days of return to the office.

We will update you on a regular basis on the progress and status of your compliant, as a minimum on a weekly basis.

Our aim is to resolve all complaints within 15 working days.

Where The Fuel and Energy Guy works with partners or suppliers, complaints may take longer than 15 days to resolve and The Fuel and Energy Guy compliants procedure will be superseded by their partner/suppliers’ complaints procedure.
If The Fuel and Energy Guy receives a complaint, they will use to aid continuous improvement working with partners or suppliers to identify where in their communication or processes they can improve to aid reducing potential for reoccurrence.
If a compliant has not been resolved to your satisfaction

If The Fuel and Energy Guy has raised a compliant on your behalf through a partner or directly to a supplier on your behalf and they fail to resolve to your satisfaction and the Energy Supplier have issued a Final Response, or if it has been unresolved for 8 weeks, you may be able to seek help from the Energy Ombudsman.

The Energy Ombudsman is a free to use and impartial service for energy customers to use.
Contact details for the Energy Ombudsman
Post Energy Ombudsman, P.O. Box 966, Warrington WA4 9DF
Telephone 0330 440 1624
Policy dated 04/12/2023